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Lost & Found

Did your family pet go missing?


​Come in to San Gabriel Valley Humane Society and see if your pet is here, and if not fill out a Lost Pet form.

Give the front office Lost Pet flyers and post them around your local neighborhood. Call other local shelters just in case your pet wandered outside of our jurisdiction.



Did a stray dog or cat get hit by a car?


​Please do not pick them up.

Please call the appropriate animal control agency or your local police department. Be aware of traffic and be safe!


All other cities that are not the City of San Gabriel or Temple City or Duarte, please call your local Police Department or Animal Control Agency for Animal Control Services. If you are unsure who provides Animal Control in your city or area please call your local Police Department and they can assist you.



Are you in the City of San Gabriel, Temple City or Duarte and a dog wandered into your yard overnight? Has a cat with a collar made a new home on your front porch? Were there dogs wandering in your neighborhood and they were friendly enough for you to handle?


Please call our front office (626) 286 -1159 to have an officer dispatched to your home during office hours of 8am-5pm to assist with stray animal pickup when available. After hour calls are reserved for emergencies only. If waiting for an officer is not an option, you may bring in the animal to the front office for intake.


Cats MUST be confined for animal pickup, whether in a humane feral trap cage, a carrier or a box. Please have cats confined for your and everyone else's safety.


If you are attempting to find the owners of a found animal yourself, it is critical that you bring the lost pet to a local shelter or veterinary clinic to have it checked for a microchip.

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